Under Construction.
Selva Yapim's PVC plastic profile experience is over 10,000 of all kinds with perfect quality, unlimited service and knowledge. PVC Plastik provides a wide range of services in the sector by manufacturing injection and extrusion molds, along with the production of hard and soft engineering profiles, Plastic injection, Automotive group, Various profiles, Magnet profiles, Exterior Box profile and Aluminum Profiles, Cooling group, Lighting products etc.
CNC / EPS Machine Manufacturing in Biricin; Installation and Export
We have a daily production and assembly capacity of Fire Resistant Anti-Bacterial Carpet - 50.000 M2.
along with
Middle East In order to continue our services in the region in the best way, we can see the companies we have done business with as our reference. We will never stop expanding and improving our services.
Contact us to learn more about SELVA YAPI-M services.